Digital Marketing Veterans

Does your business struggle to generate more sales leads, employee candidates, product sales, bookings, appointments, event registrations, subscribers, etc.?  What would it mean for your business if you had a reliable way to address these uncertainties?


Let’s Get Started

How would you like to increase your sales?

Explore one or more of our most popular digital marketing services and start a conversation with Veteran Made Digital.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Check out our other digital marketing services and contact us to start making digital marketing work for your business.

Already know what you want?

Increase Sales From Search


Digital Marketing Platform Launch


Increase Sales
From Content


Increase Sales From Ads

About Veteran Made Digital

Solutions to small business growth challenges.

Digital marketing is dynamic, accessible, and impactful. Rapidly evolving marketing technologies are enabling digital marketers to access and address demand creatively and more effectively. These advances aren’t just for large enterprises with Fortune 500-sized budgets. Small businesses are generating better leads using artificial intelligence, building higher quality audiences with machine learning, and orchestrating complex campaigns easily using business-friendly applications. With the right partner, small businesses can achieve remarkably impactful and cost-effective results.

Veteran Made Digital works exclusively with small businesses, we encourage you to determine whether we’re a good fit for yours.

Digital Marketing Services

Make digital marketing work for your business.

Veteran Made Digital can help! We’ll meet you at your current level of digital marketing capability and build from there to help your business achieve success. Contact us to explore how Veteran Made Digital can make digital marketing work for your business.

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It’s the cornerstone of your digital marketing platform. Let’s make it beautiful, functional, powerful, scalable, extensible, mobile-friendly, and blazing fast. WordPress or HubSpot replatform? Need a refresh or redesign? Starting from scratch? We’ve got you covered.

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Concerned that your customers can’t easily find your company’s website pages when they search Google?  Certain SEO problems can wreak havoc on your organic search traffic. Others can make it very difficult to achieve any meaningful rankings at all. We find and resolve the issues that are tanking your rankings and unlock the organic search traffic potential of your website.

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Do your website images, videos, pages and blog posts reinforce your brand, convey your messaging and  help your customers find your products and services?   If your business isn’t generating significant organic traffic and sales from your content,  it may be time to ditch the amateur videos, poorly written copy, tired old stock photos,  and refresh your content strategy.  Let us get your business on track with purposeful, high quality content, and then amplify it with effective content marketing.

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How is your digital marketing platform performing? Do you receive the decision support you need to prioritize your time, investment, and focus? Talk to Veteran Made Digital about making your analytics functional and your digital marketing platform decision making data-driven.

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Take control of your company’s business profiles on Google and Bing.  Promote your business locally across Search and Map applications, engage your visitors in new ways, receive insights that show how users interact with your profiles, and drive more visitors to your website, webstore, and physical location.  Ask us to set up and maximize the benefits of your business’s local marketing platform.

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Increase your reach beyond existing acquisition channels with digital advertising on search and social platforms. Use our service to expertly set up and run your search and social advertising campaigns, fill gaps in your reach, and refer more visitors to your website, webstore and storefront offerings.

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Social media and your social channels are integral to your digital marketing platform. They can help increase your reach, engage your fan base, communicate your messaging, extend your content marketing and build brand loyalty. Let’s discuss your business case for social.

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Build, grow and manage your email list and message your subscribers that want you to keep them informed. Use our Email Marketing service to automate messaging, promote your content and products, and integrate with display and retargeting advertising campaigns. Scale your communications without sacraficing getting the right messages to the right recipients at the right time.

contact veteran made digital

Let’s Discuss Your Digital Marketing

Call us directly at 571-252-9146, or, complete the form below to send us a message and request a phone call from Veteran Made Digital.  We look forward to hearing about your business and the objectives you’d like to achieve with digital marketing.